- Thinking is there to push
- This works best when I trust my opponent or my fellow thinker and when I know where the bruises are lurking and and when the offence is deliberate and asked for.
- When in a shared, open situation that allows thinking to happen, I extend the limits of my trust to infinity.
- Trust becomes more abundant when you share it; just like love and knowledge. It’s magic!
- But here I hit a wall: knowledge is not just like trust. Trust is hope. This doesn’t make it worthless, unintellectual or an immediate lost cause.
- My practice as a curator in the field of the independent performing arts is based on the principle of friendship, and solely based on trust. If I trust my decisions as a curator, I am also able to give my unrestricted trust to the artists I invite or work with. It doesn’t work any other way. Trust me!
- Trust is paid in advance (mostly cash) and billed afterwards (for tax). The present is nourished by this deposit and redemption is only possible when we are brave enough to look back together and ask ourselves if it was worth it.
- Trust and expectations are connected and both fragile as glass. It is precisely this vulnerability that unites artists, curators and the audience. In the end, we have no choice but to give away and express our trust completely. By doing this we move to the thin ice of a temporary community – so bring your skates 😉
- The every day understanding of TRUST is obscured, undermined and has already been transferred into the logic of commodities a long time ago. So, when the market calls „Trust yourself, just do it“ – ok, then I respond with my own claim, my understanding of TRUST. I can do it!
- Trust has an exposing effect. If I publicly share my criteria for artistic decisions – i.e. who and what I trust – I sit naked in the public transport (not without wearing a face mask, of course) and I can only hope that someone will trust me by lending me their blanket or even join me.
- There is a TRUST triangle. All decisions in artistic, collective processes move between its three corners: experience, powerful nerves (costume) and backups (financial, social, cultural etc.).
- TRUST the tripsitter! (like the designated driver, the one staying sober to bring everyone to a party) – The question is only on which side (of the trip) you are sitting. You can always change your position but never in the middle of the trip.
- Make all agreements on a basis of trust and make that visible!
- Trust is contagious!
- So is friendship, by the way.
- Now, I think to put down exactly 20 thoughts in response to a 20th birthday seems to me too deliberate after all. So I take this opportunity to congratulate you in detail.
- Happy 20th birthday!
- Keep it up!
- Congratulations!
- Have a blast!
* They’re to remind me of something and to question my point of view again and again The moment they are thought and formulated, they fall over again and cause another upheaval 😉
** The 20th anniversary of the performance group OBLIVIA is an occasion for me to think about such thought-provoking proposals. I have learned so much from you. Your working method Do what you saw had a massive impact on trusting my own eyes, expressing and connecting myself until today. Thank you!